Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Forum, again

If you arrive on Picture Night to discover that you've taken in the lead's costume so much that he's stuffed into like a bolster, the evening can only improve.

And, when you find that there's no way to let it out so that it looks good and you must start over from scratch, using some random turquoise fabric you just happened to have picked up for no good reason and some $2 a yard matching material from the Wal-mart, you can call it a "happy accident". Especially when it's going to look much better than the original. For which, the director and crew will forgive you for giving a problematic principal something else to be pissy about, along with his bizarre unauthorized prop introductions being vetoed and nobody getting the dance right in "Maid". I am sorry for the bother and anxiety to him, though. So he's getting tassels.
Of course, now I have to re-dye his and Hysterium's leggings. It's a domino thing.

Our little Philia, 17, is the wonderful surprise of the cast. She has a surprising comedic bent, to be so young. The goofy self-satisfaction she brings to a line like: 'I cost five hundred minae." or "I would show you mine, but they are sold" is priceless.
She comes in to visit with me occasionally while I sew. Last time, she told me that our Hero had announced his choice of underpinnings to her:
"He said, 'I think I'll just wear a dance belt' and I was thinking, like "Ewww, eww! Don't tell me that! I have to sit on your lap and now I don't want to! TMI! TMI' "

Miles's excessive goldness has been toned down with a black leather (vinyl, really) skirt. I lined the panels with felt to give it some heft. It has antique bronze conchos from the bead department at Hobby Lobby on it for decor. It is fabulous, if I do say so. Sometimes I surprise myself. But now he needs some black on top.

Time to check on the blueness of pants.

1 comment:

Mizz E said...

"I lined the panels with felt to give it some heft."

Yes. I am so visualizing the effect.

Flimsy sissy swishy -- presto chango --
Manly Master and Commander.

Bet you're tired and exhilerated.